Thursday, August 28, 2008

From the DNC at Invesco Field

The mobile blogging experiment is a bust. The camera in my Sidekick 3 mobile phone just doesn't lend itself to capturing what's happening a skidillion miles from the stage. Jennifer Hudson has sung the "Star Spangled Banner" and Sheryl Crow ("A Change Would Do You Good;" "Out of Our Heads"), John Legend and ("Yes We Can"), Stevie Wonder ("Fear Can't Put Dreams to Sleep;" "Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours") and Michael McDonald ("America the Beautiful") have performed one to three song sets. A better camera or seats are a prerequisite next time.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,

I got your comment on my blog about the mystery of the missing photos.

What happened to me, and maybe also to you, is that Blogger saves all the photos that we post to Picassa Web Albums. If you delete the pictures linked to the blog from your Picassa Web Albums Account, you are dead.

That's what I did without knowing the link that Blogger made to those pics. I thought I was just cleaning up a huge album that had no business being there since I never put it there myself.

The short answer to how I got my pics back is that I had to manually go and repost all the photos one by one.

It isn't as tedious as it sounds if you havethe pics organized somewhere. I am still working my way back through 2008.

Let me know if this was the answer to your problem.

9:57 PM  

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